Defense Health Agency Interim Collective Bargaining Agreement Training

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Defense Health Agency Interim Collective Bargaining Agreement Training

last update on: 09/03/2024

This training is meant for DHA employees. There are 15 video modules that you will complete on your own prior to attending a live webinar. Each video module covers a different segment of the Interim Collective Bargaining Agreement and are between 5-15 minutes in length. They are as follows:

MODULE ONE: Interim Collective Bargaining Agreement Basics
MODULE TWO: Facilities and Services
MODULE THREE: Official Time
MODULE FOUR: Employee Rights
MODULE FIVE: Management Rights
MODULE SIX: Union Rights
MODULE SEVEN: Adverse and disciplinary actions
MODULE EIGHT: Detail, reassignments and relocations
MODULE NINE: Grievance and Arbitration Process
MODULE TEN: Dues Deduction
MODULE ELEVEN: Hours of Work
MODULE FOURTEEN: Performance Management


By the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Identify the basic framework of a bargaining agreement
  • Recall the duration of an interim collective bargaining agreement
  • Identify key elements of the DHA interim collective bargaining agreement, and recall where to locate bargaining agreement updates, and identify key elements of updated bargaining agreements.

To enhance understanding of a collective bargaining agreement, you will analyze specific sections related to various aspects of employment rights and responsibilities including:

  • Recall key aspects of the bargaining agreement related to facilities and services
  • Identify critical aspects of the bargaining agreement related to official time
  • Explore employee rights identified in a collective bargaining agreement
  • Explore management rights identified in the collective bargaining agreement
  • Explore union rights identified in the collective bargaining agreement
  • Identify adverse and disciplinary actions outlined in the collective bargaining agreement.
  • Recall employment detail, reassignments and relocations as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement
  • Outline the grievance and arbitration process as defined in the collective bargaining agreement
  • Identify dues deduction from your pay, as outlined in the bargaining agreement
  • Recall hours of work as defined in the collective bargaining agreement
  • Define telework guidelines as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement
  • Identify guidelines applicable to overtime, as identified in the collective bargaining agreement
  • Recall guidelines on performance management from the collective bargaining agreement
  • Identify guidelines on leave as identified in the collective bargaining agreement



Webinars/Live Courses