Principles of Training Development for Unionists

Principles of Training Development for Unionists

Principles of Training Development for Unionists

last update on: 09/03/2024

Principles of Training Development for Unionists is a three-part course designed to give a glimpse into foundational principles of education and training.

Part One: Writing Learning Objectives

Time | 2 hours

What are training objectives? Why do we need training objectives? Every trainer should be able to respond readily to such questions. Training objectives provide the foundation for any training development or plans. A good objective will provide you with the purpose of training and instill motivation in participants. In this self-paced instruction module, you will have the opportunity to learn about learning domains and how to write an objective. 

Part Two: Teaching Techniques for Adult Learners

Time | 1 hour

I'm a trainer; how can I create activities to build rapport and allow my adults to share their experiences? 

This minicourse provides a few strategies for building team collaboration and independent learning. Learn how to apply strategies within your training plan to impact how adults learn, process and assess information. 

Adults are results-oriented learners who need to know that the material is relevant to their goals, and that it allows them to control their educational outcomes. 

Self-directed activities or strategies empower adult learners. And provide adults with the opportunity to share their life experiences. Learn how you can add strategies to your training plans.

Part Three: Training Basics- Principles and Procedures for working with individuals with disabilities. 

 Time | 30 minutes

This course is designed to give you a few training basics for creating materials for individuals with disabilities.




3 hours 30 minutes

Self-Paced Courses